Mike Freer today led a delegation of MPs and Hatzola representatives to meet Health Minister, Earl Howe. The meeting was to discuss the use of blue lights by Hatzola first responders, when responding in their private vehicles to life–threatening emergency calls, following a recent High Court decision.
Earl Howe confirmed that the Government are aware of the high quality service provided by Hatzola and agreed to examine how to include Hatzola within the proposed changes to the legislation following this recent case. Department of Health officials will now be investigating the issue further.
Mike comments “Hatzola are a reputable organisation who provide first class emergency care to those who need it. I will continue to press the Department of Health for a prompt solution to the matter”.
In attendance at the meeting were Mike Freer MP, Lee Scott MP, Sophie Dunoff of the Board of Deputies of British Jews as well as Dovi Segal and Shloimie Richman of Hatzola Northwest.